Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Foreign Policy in Bangladesh

Bangladesh has a overcome guideline for orthogonal polity from its opus friendship with all and malice to struggleds none. Foreign insurance indemnity of Bangladesh is one of fewer sectors that has incessantly been unreformed since the birth of the state of matter. Bangladesh is obviously a prospective country of its unique position. In view of achieving its prospects, Bangladesh needs significant changes in conflicting polity sector. The more the beat goes ahead, the more the realness becomes interdependent. In this hop on of world-wideization, no nation can full point in isolation.All separates, therefore, participate in the interplay of the external politics with the specific foreign policies to hand the goals of the national interests. Therefore the purpose-oriented foreign form _or_ system of government matters for Bangladesh to get prosperity. The very fundamental directions of the formation of Bangladesh should remain the roots of foreign indemnity of Ban gladesh. So I recommend the goals of foreign policy of Bangladesh in the name of 4Ps Protection, Progress, furtherance and wild pansy.From the theoretical perspectives in case of suggested foursome Ps for Bangladesh foreign policy, realism would chew over the first P-protection Open Market delivery al-Qaidad on global capitalist economy theorizes the second P-progress and Nationalism (Bangladeshi) would theorize the tercet P-promotion. Based on these four Ps, the undermentioned foreign policies ar recommended as middle policies for Bangladesh to march its unique prospective positions in the world and also the todays world affairs.Under the first P-protection, the main policy would be to protect the sovereignty of the state from all kinds of threats from any sources including next ingress nations, any state, world(prenominal) corporations/organizations. Overall, Bangladesh should remain as Zero Tolerance Policy dealing with all sorts of threats to its sovereignty of stat e, citizens and assets. In this regards, foreign policy would work to establish a strong military and intelligence base of Bangladesh in the region.Under the second P-Progress, the main policy would be to gain economic dilate out of liberalized and globalized world trade policies. The international trade has been shifting from the Atlantic to the pacific, which work the idea of Asia/Pacific century ever more feasible. Foreign policies of Bangladesh would be to see the relative frontier roles in the Asiatic politics. Under the third P- Promotion, the main policy would be to promote Bangladesh as a whole positively in the world so that the citizens of the world can witness and understand the integrity of Bangladesh.Foreign policy would be to create a good attribute of Bangladesh to the rest of the world by promoting the discoverments of the nation and also of the individual citizens like Bangladesh secured its emancipation by a great war of around nine-month long, Bangladesh i s the only country in the world that fought for its language Bengali, Bangladesh is the country that invented the viva voce saline to cure millions of children worldwide, Bangladesh is one of the nations to achieve major parts of MDGs within the timeframe, Bangladesh is the rest home of microcredit which has been working as an effective tools of alleviating global poverty.Under the forth P-Peace, the main foreign policy would be to introduce Bangladesh as Peace Broker nation practically in the world. Bangladesh itself would be a fond of nonaggressive coexistence in the region nay in the world as per matched with other Ps of national interests. These four Ps are also inter-related. After all, foreign policy would secure the position of Bangladesh as requirement in the regional and international forums both politically and economically.

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